Account Routing
Account Routing: How to Automate Assignment of New Accounts
Unlock the potential of advanced territory planning with Fullcast's dynamic mapping.
Revolutionize territory planning with Fullcast's SmartPlan Maps—get efficiency and precision in map-based carving.
See the types of targets in Fullcast and understand how they are calculated, rolled up, and viewed from top down and bottom up.
Align your routing logic with your territories so that when territory changes occur, everything automatically stays in sync.
If you want to hold sales accountable for proper lead follow-up, you need visibility. To make a lasting change, you need to meet sales where they are.
Need to make sure your renewal and expansion strategy gets pulled off? Optimizing customer success territories is essential.
SmartPlan enables RevOps teams to conduct complex territory planning using multiple metrics and KPIs in minutes.
Fullcast sales territory mapping allows you overlay metrics on a map and use them to balance territories.